Monday, February 18, 2008
Nice guys and non-Hendrick cars CAN finish first!
After last years Daytona debacle, it's feels SO good to start the season on a high note.
Personally, I set my DVR to pause so I could fast forward through all the pre-race festivities.
I'm sorry, I just don't enjoy the onslaught of usually talentless hacks.
Although it's nice to see that NASCAR is finally catching on to what performers the fans want to see. (but Chubby Checker???)
Back to the race; in my opinion it was one of the most exciting I've seen in a LONG time. It was great to see it not turn into the usual 3-wide racing parking lot game of follow-the-leader.
You just can't drive those COT's like that.
And is it me or does Montoya seem to spin out at LEAST one car a race?
I'm just not a fan of that fuzzy little foreigner.
And the We couldn't be happier!!
We here at The Lodge LOVE Ryan Newman.
He's a nice guy, he's smart, he loves animals and anyone who can tolerate that lunk-head Keebler as a teamate HAS to be a saint!
But our hats are off to Keebler today because if it weren't for him, Ryan wouldn't have crossed the finish line first.
So...for once we say (gulp); nice job Kurt..and thanks.
He's a nice guy, he's smart, he loves animals and anyone who can tolerate that lunk-head Keebler as a teamate HAS to be a saint!
But our hats are off to Keebler today because if it weren't for him, Ryan wouldn't have crossed the finish line first.
So...for once we say (gulp); nice job Kurt..and thanks.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Pic of the Weekend
Doesn't he just have that "What the fuck do you want?!?!?" kind of snarl on his face?
(and the season hasn't even STARTED yet)
Feel free to leave your caption ideas in the comments field. I'll approve the good ones!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
They're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
Thank God for DVR!
I had to work last night; while surfing the internet this morning I read the blurb about Tony and "Keebler" getting into it on the track last night. During PRACTICE of all things.
Needless to say I RAN to my TV and fast-forwarded through all the things I recorded off Speed Channel last night.
SWEET! I got it all on tape.
The NASCAR I've known and enjoyed (and missed) seems to be back.
Hopefully Brian "Vanilla Idiot" France will live up to his words and let the old-school style previal.
Granted, Keebler took a few liberties.
I'll say this though, Tony screwed up.
Maybe he got loose. Maybe he mis-judged the amount of room he had or when he should've let off...who can say. New car but a VERY experienced driver behind the wheel.
Still; that wreck was his fault.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
And as wrong as it was, I enjoyed every second of it.
That's what I'd pay money to see.
I don't want to see guys get hurt.
I don't want to see fans get hurt.
But I admit it; I'm torn on this whole "use your car as a weapon" deal.
As much as it made me equally entertained me.
And NASCAR is entertainment after all.
If this is a preview of what the season will be like...I'll be posting alot more than I did last year!