Wednesday, August 02, 2006


8 days... Drunk in pub-LICK!"

They say you shouldn't drink while on the job... that is, unless your office is at the Seneca Lodge Bar.

When: August 2005
Where: Seneca Lodge Bar

My partner in crime and I made our annual pilgrimage to the office to see the world's greatest bartender, Sam, and to see Boris Said for the 50th time.

It was the final year of Crusty the Clown's ride in the #2 Miller Lite Dodge, thus the bar was littered with several RustyWallace/Miller Lite advertisements with his ugly mug all over them. My partner in crime HATES Crusty with a passion, so much so that when he wrecked his car in Dega in 2005, I made sure I took a picture of him cussing at his crumpled up car, just for her.

Upon seeing the waste of good cardboard all over the bar, she turned each one of them away from her. Sam caught her and proceeded to turn all of them facing her, just to piss her off. She yelled at Sam to knock it off, and he said "But it's his last call!!!" She shot back "THANK GOD!" I almost snarfed my Labatt's Blue right out of my nose.

Sam must have been in a rare mood because he proceeded to use me as a science experiment and try out every drink he knew how to make on me. Never one not to be a team player, I obliged him... Irish Car Bombs a plenty! Sam and I had several liabations, much to our friends' amusement.

The rest of the evening is rather hazy... I think when we got back to the Dong Motel, I went inside and passed out on the deluxe full sized bed circa 1952. But I'm a gamer... we were up at 5:30am the next morning, at the track by 7:00am, ready to go.

My liver has been in training... BRING IT ON, SAM!

P.S. This one is for you, pahtnah!

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