Saturday, April 29, 2006


I tried!

I tried not to get myself TOO involved in this subject but it just won't go away. Last night while watching Busch qualifying I heard something said that made me have to speak about it again.

I normally agree w/Tony Stewart, or at least enjoy his opinions on things but if I had been in the Talledega pits last night and had overheard his coversation on Speed Channel, the Yankee in me would've lost it. I would have had no choice but to confront him about it because I couldn't believe what he was saying. I guess sometimes when you have to justify your actions, you don't say the most intelligent things.

I can't quote him but what I do remember was him saying that Cup drivers running the Busch series races is okay because they "have a right to work". Okay, so a guy whose present earnings (just THIS year alone mind you) are almost two million dollars needs to work another job. To me that would be like the CEO of Walmart taking a gig away from a frontdoor greeter. Or maybe a store manager because I'm sure they don't make shit for a salary either.

I took a look at Paul Menard's present earnings considering he's the highest full time Busch driver in the standings right now it's just over three hundred thousand dollars. And that's with DEI under his hood and signing his paycheck. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad for Paul but how about the other drivers, owners, crew chiefs, mechanics, pit guys and motorcoach drivers who work for single or double car teams who don't have the backing of DEI, Gibbs, Rousch or Hendrick. You're going to make them try and compete with multi-millionaires?!?!?

Do you think it's any coincidence that they only had 43 cars qualifying for the Busch race this week? Why would small, independant teams waste their time and money to travel to these tracks and try and compete against those big houses and earn a purse that doesn't even cover their expenses?
Okay Tony,'s your chance, jusify THAT!

On another quick topic, I have to give a shout-out (OMG, did I actually just write shout out??) to Randy Cox. Randy has been Kenny Wallaces' crew chief this year for his Busch ride with PPC Racing. Unfortunately, per Jayski, Randy has been relieved of his duties as crew chief but will be staying at a PPC. Personally, I still don't understand why David Stremme didn'ttake Randy along with him to Cup. Those two have a great history together and it sucks to see Randy get left behind. Hopefully someone out there will see Randy's worth and put him back up on the pitbox where he belongs.

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